February 4
10:00 am
10:45 am
Designed to promote strength through stretch, this class begins includes guided breathing and reclined twists and stretches. Additional postures include neck stretches, seated folds, cat pose, cow pose, child’s pose, and stretches for the upper back, chest, and shoulders. With focused and intentional breathing techniques, guests can experience moment-to-moment, connected mindfulness within their practice.
Special Considerations
__•_All guests should plan on arriving 15-minutes prior to the start of class and check-in at the Spa at Chateau Elan.
__•_Lockers and changing rooms are available for all guests. Access to additional spa amenities are not included.
__•_Yoga mats will be provided to all guests. Guests may also bring their own yoga mats and blocks, if preferable.
__•_Class size is limited. Classes can be taught inside or outside, dependent on weather conditions.